MD Enacts Staged Approach to Phase 2 Re-entry

The MD of Lesser Slave River has begun to reopen municipal operated facilities in a measured and phased approach that ensures compliance with Alberta public health advisories and safety standards. MD Council has carefully considered and approved the following multi-phase approach.

MD Council has carefully considered and approved the following multi-phase approach.

Public trails, municipal boat launches, Southshore Viewpoint and washrooms, community playgrounds, beach areas and picnic areas have reopened with restrictions in place. Please review and obey any posted signage instructions prior to starting your activities. As of July 7, community complexes, libraries, arenas and equestrian grounds will reopen, also with infection prevention and controls in place.

Residents and visitors alike are welcome to enjoy these facilities permitting they follow all public health orders, including gathering sizes and physical (social) distancing and avoid high-risk or prohibited activities. Consider wearing a non-surgical mask to help limit the risk of spread to others. Details about the restrictions being implemented for each facility will be posted at each location. Please continue to act responsibly and do your part to help flatten the curve of COVID-19.

Unless otherwise identified, 50 people maximum are permitted for indoor gatherings, including wedding and funeral receptions and birthday parties; 100 people maximum for other outdoor events and indoor seated/audience events, including wedding ceremonies, funeral services, movie theatres, indoor arts and culture performances and other indoor spectator events where people remain seated, and; 200 people maximum for audience-type community outdoor events, such as festivals, firework displays, rodeos and sporting events, and outdoor performances.

MD Council and Administration will continue to carefully monitor the COVID-19 situation and adjust business practices accordingly. For up-to-date and accurate information on the MD’s response to COVID-19 please continue to visit this portal.

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